Travel Awards

Click here to access the application form.

After submitting your application, please make sure to register and submit your abstract. For the full registration guidelines, please click here.

Application Period: May, 2024 – October, 2024



ISN offers Travel Awards to ISN Students and Postdoc members to allow attendance to the biennial meetings. Young members intending to submit abstracts as first authors are eligible for support to attend the meeting.

All travel award applicants can register for the meeting for free. Please note that after the decision on the award, applicants who were not successful will have to pay the registration fee if they still wish to attend the meeting. They will still be able to benefit from the Early Bird price.

The amount of the travel award is depended on the region and will be paid after the meeting. Please refer to the table below for exact amounts per region.


ISN-ASN 2025 Travel Support

Region  Travel Support 
Europe USD 1500
Africa USD 2000
South and Central America USD 2000
Asia USD 1750
Oceania USD 1750
North America (non NIH) USD 1250
NYC Region (non NIH) USD 300